Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

  • High-stakes exams such as Finals or Pitstop exams are delivered through Safe Exam Browser (SEB), a custom browser that locks down the testing environment within Gryphon.

  • Students are required to do the following before taking an exam using SEB:

    • install SEB on their computer

    • install the configuration file

    • complete a practice exam

  • Instructions and download links for Windows and Mac are included below.

How to Install Safe Exam Browser (SEB)


  1. Download the Safe Exam Browser 3.4.0 Windows Installer - SEB_3.4.0.480_SetupBundle.exe (download) NOTE: Please do not upgrade or use different version of Safe Exam Browser unless instructed.

  2. Run the Safe Exam Browser installer SEB_3.4.0.480_SetupBundle.exe. (After the installation, a Safe Exam Browser shortcut should be placed on your Desktop.)

  3. Download the Safe Exam Browser Client Config - SEBClientSettings.seb (download) Firefox users: if you get a page with strange characters when you click on the config file, you may have to right-click and choose Save Link As... to download it.

  4. Open (double-click) the file SEBClientSettings.seb to configure Safe Exam Browser to work with Gryphon. Once configuration is successful and you're prompted to quit for now, click Yes.

  5. Launch Safe Exam Browser (SEB) by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut or from the Start menu. (If you receive a “SEB Re-configured” popup, click “Yes”.)

  6. Verify that the Gryphon login screen loads.

  7. Login to Gryphon using Mednet credentials.

  8. Complete a practice exam titled “SEB Certification” by clicking on the exam link and submitting it to ensure SEB is working properly. There is only one Yes/No question in this exam.


  1. Download the Safe Exam Browser 3.1 macOS Installer - SafeExamBrowser-3.1.dmg (download) NOTE: Please do not upgrade or use different version of Safe Exam Browser unless instructed.

  2. Run the Safe Exam Browser installer SafeExamBrowser-3.1.dmg and drag “Safe Exam” into your “Applications” folder.

  3. [Optional] If upgrading from a previous version, Select Replace when warned that an older version of Safe Exam Browser already exists.

  4. Download the Safe Exam Browser Client Config - SEBClientSettings.seb (download) Firefox users: if you get a page with strange characters when you click on the config file, you may have to right-click and choose Save Link As... to download it.

  5. Open (double-click) the file SEBClientSettings.seb to configure Safe Exam Browser to work with Gryphon. If you receive a “SEB Re-configured” popup, click Quit

  6. Launch Safe Exam Browser (SEB) by double-clicking the app located inside of your Applications folder.

  7. Verify that the Gryphon login screen loads.

  8. Login to Gryphon using Mednet credentials.

  9. Complete a practice exam titled “SEB Certification” by clicking on the exam link and submitting it to ensure SEB is working properly. There is only one Yes/No question in this exam.


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Last updated